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Internationale groepsreis Mountains & Villages of Corsica

Walk through the diverse landscapes of Corsica

8 dagen vanaf € 1.500 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Walking & Trekking
  • Centre-Based
  • Highlight

    • — Enjoy diverse landscapes and impressive mountain scenery — Spend a free day exploring the old capital, Corte, or relaxing on the beach at Ajaccio — Stay at a beautifully located family-run hotel
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    8 dagen vanaf € 1.500

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 8 daagse Groepsrondreis Mountains & Villages of Corsica

Caught between France and Italy, yet with its own cuisine, culture and language, Corsica is a land of dramatic beauty. With sandy Mediterranean beaches just 25mi (40km) from pink-granite peaks, it offers a range of terrains in a small, diverse island full of surprises. Based in the village of Bocognano, the quaint mountain railway gives easy access to some of the best walking routes on the island, covering mountain passes, rockpools and pine forests in the central highlands.

  1. Dag 1 - Start Bocognano
  2. Dag 2 - Train to Tavera; woodland walk to ancient menhir (standing stone). Train back to Bocognano; circular walk to Cascade du Voile de la Mariee
  3. Dag 3 - Train journey to Vivario; walk to Tattone and onto the Vecchio River where it may be possible to swim. Ascend to Vizzavona and train to Bocognano
  4. Dag 4 - Train to Corte; walk along the rugged Tavignano valley and back to the historic town of Corte. Return by train to Bocognano
  5. Dag 5 - Free day for an optional trip by train to Ajaccio and its beaches or to relax in Bocognano
  6. Dag 6 - Train to Vizzavona from where we walk along the GR20 to Bocca Palmente
  7. Dag 7 - Walk from the hotel to the Gravona River; walk along the Gorge of Richjusa and back to Bocognano
  8. Dag 8 - End Bocognano
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