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Internationale groepsreis India Tiger Safari

Embark on a comprehensive wildlife tour of the best tiger parks in India

16 dagen vanaf € 3.600 (excl. vlucht)

Bijkomende kosten €26,25
p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen


  • Wildlife Holidays
  • Safaris
  • Tigers
  • Highlight

    • — Embark on 15 game drives — Visit the magnificent Taj Mahal — Support the TOFTigers campaign to protect biodiversity and restore habitats
    Download trip notes
    16 dagen vanaf € 3.600

    Bijkomende kosten €26,25
    p.p. o.b.v. 2 personen

Route 16 daagse Groepsrondreis India Tiger Safari

Bengal tigers are a highly seductive class-A predator; they are also desperately endangered. Seeing one in the wild is intoxicating, which is why this comprehensive safari visits three of the best tiger parks in India. Pench, Kanha and Bandhavgarh national parks are all ideal for viewing both predator and prey, and with 15 game drives included the chances of seeing the magnificent Bengal tiger are greatly increased. There are many other animals to see, too, but tigers remain top of the agenda throughout.

  1. Dag 1 - Start Delhi
  2. Dag 2 - Fly to Nagpur; transfer to Pench National Park
  3. Dag 3 - Four game drives over two days in Pench National Park
  4. Dag 5 - Transfer to Kanha National Park
  5. Dag 6 - Five game drives over three days in Kanha National Park
  6. Dag 9 - Transfer to Bandhavgarh National Park
  7. Dag 10 - Six game drives over three days in Bandhavgarh National Park
  8. Dag 13 - Drive to Katni; overnight train to Agra
  9. Dag 14 - Arrive Agra; visit Agra Fort; sunset at the Taj Mahal
  10. Dag 15 - Drive to Delhi; free afternoon
  11. Dag 16 - End Delhi
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