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Nepal, India,


Hindi, Engels,


I am Amit from Delhi. I have done graduation in B.A. honorous (English Literature) from Annamalai University. During my graduation I also learnt Spanish and Russian languages. I have been working in tourism sector last 7 years. I started my career as a Representative in Thomas Cook travel company. Later I passed the exam and got the license of guide.

I am an altruist who is unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others. I am a person who carries himself with pride without sign of ego. I am self-motivated and my way of living life is very disciplined this discipline can be seen in my daily routine. I have always focused on satisfying the customer’s needs. I have a sound moral character which reflects in my thoughts and actions. I never react compulsively to any situation in my life rather I respond very tactfully to every given situation. I have praised myself a lot.

I love travel and explore new destinations to acquire knowledge and information about great Indian monuments and historical places to meet new people with different countries helps me to know and learn about their cultures, traditions, behavior about their nature. 

We believe in ( Vasudev Kutumkamb) mean entire universe is our family. I feel honour when I explained about Indian culture, traditions, spirituality and good contribution of India towards the world in terms of science, technology, Art, literature, music, movies and great historical monuments to foreigners. How India taught peace, harmony spirituality to the world. Only India who never attacked any country and being a tour guide earning by learning is my concept. 

I love my country because of its diversed culture and traditions unique diversed geographical condition. It's also India who has ancient great history and civilization. Only in India where multiple religion and multiple culture are founded...

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